Four IT developers in a blue-lit meeting room.

Engineer smarter AI & ML systems faster

AI and ML

As part of the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, our artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI and ML) solution is uniquely positioned to help companies leverage AI- and ML-powered EDA tools to deliver differentiated AI- and ML-driven innovations to market faster.

Comprehensive tool flow for AI and ML innovation

We pioneered using AI and ML in EDA tools to enable you to deliver advanced AI and ML solutions faster. Our EDA portfolio spans IC, advanced packaging and PCB domains. Provide an unmatched holistic solution by adding software, mechanical and PLM technologies from the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio.

  • Catapult HLS - Find the optimal mix of hardware and software functionality for your SoC architecture faster with high-level synthesis
  • PowerPro - Monitor and optimize power consumption throughout the RTL flow
  • Precision RTL - Vendor-independent FPGA synthesis for building AI and ML SoC prototypes and re-targeting to SoCs
  • 3D IC solution - Leverage a complete 3D IC workflow to develop More than Moore innovations for AI and ML applications
  • Tessent DFT - Insert design for test blocks to improve test efficiency
  • Embedded Analytics - Insert analytics IP to monitor your IC and end-system in the field, creating more data to improve AI and ML functionality or to build better next-gen SoCs