Precision FPGA Synthesis

Precision offers vendor-independent FPGA synthesis. It provides best-in-class performance and area, high-reliability design capabilities and tight links to simulation and formal equivalency checking.


Advanced Synthesis for NanoXplore FPGAs

Many space and mil-aero applications require specialized FPGAs with built-in protection from SEEs. NanoXplore introduces new FPGAs targeting this market. Precision Synthesis, in close partnership with NanoXplore, is the first to offer full synthesis support for the NG-Ultra device. Precision has seamless integration with the NXmap P&R tool to complete the design flow from RTL to gates to bitstream generation.

Precision Synthesis, in close partnership with NanoXplore, is the first to offer full synthesis support for the NG-Ultra device. Precision has seamless integration with the NXmap P&R tool to complete the design flow from RTL to gates to bitstream generation.