Precision Hi-Rel

Precision Hi-Rel, enhances Precision RTL Plus with automated mitigation of SEUs/SETs in safety-critical & high-reliability applications using TMR, safe FSM and other optimizations.


Mitigate SEEs and Ensure Functional Equivalence

Precision Hi-Rel offers multiple SEE mitigation strategies for safety-critical and high-reliability applications. Integration with FormalPro LEC provides assurance that synthesis-based mitigated design is functionally equivalent to the RTL, ensuring DO-254 certification.


Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)

TMR is the most popular mitigation strategy used for protection from SEUs/SETs in FPGAs. Precision Hi-Rel provides the widest selection of TMR modes - LTMR, DTMR, GTMR & intelligent Selective TMR (iSTMR), enabling users to trade-off between safety, area and performance. Inserting TMR at the synthesis level provides greater user control and superior QoR.


Safe FSM

Precision Hi-Rel offers two enhanced safe FSM modes:

  • SEU detect - detects invalid transition/state and recovers to a known state
  • SEU tolerant - absorbs an SEU and continues operation without interruption

With seamless integration in the synthesis flow and full user-control, it allows designers to implement these FSM optimizations globally or at modular level.


Push-button or User-directed Mitigation Flow

Precision Hi-Rel gives you the option of a push-button flow for mitigation strategies or a user-directed flow for selective mitigation. User-directed mitigation is implemented using pragmas/attributes in HDL or constraints in TCL.

Equivalence checking with FormalPro

FormalPro and Precision Hi-Rel is the industry’s only integration that proves functional equivalence between RTL and the mitigated FPGA design. An FVI setup file, containing synthesis optimization and mitigation information, is auto-generated by Precision, enabling a reliable push-button RTL to gate netlist to mitigated gate netlist equivalence checking.


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