
OSAT Alliance Program

OSAT enables member companies to develop, validate, and support IC package assembly design kits (ADKs) that drive broader adoption of emerging technologies by fabless semiconductor and systems companies looking for greater heterogeneous integration.


Siemens collaborates with SPIL

Siemens Digital Industries Software has collaborated with leading Outsourced Assembly and Test (OSAT) company Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd. (SPIL) to develop and implement a new integrated circuit (IC) package assembly planning and 3D layout vs. schematic (LVS) assembly verification workflow for SPIL’s fan-out family of advanced IC packaging technologies.

OSAT alliance partners​

The OSAT Alliance Program recognizes the importance and influence of the supply chain in enabling and promoting the adoption of HDAP. Through OSAT, partners can develop, validate, and support assembly design kits (ADK) so their customers can design more efficiently and predictably.

Amkor Technology is the world's largest automotive OSAT. Amkor developed, tested, and certified the SmartPackage Package Assembly Design Kit (PADK) for the Siemens HDAP solution.

ASE is the world's largest OSAT. In collaboration with Siemens, they now offer Assembly Planning and 3D LVS verification of their FOPoP, FOCoS, FOCoS-Bridge, and 2.5/3D technologies

Deca developed an M-Series Assembly Design Kit (ADK), which supports the Siemens high density advanced packaging (HDAP) design process and tools.