DDR Interface Analysis

DDRx Design and Verification

HyperLynx performs integrated signal integrity & timing analysis for Double Data Rate (DDR) interfaces, verifying signal quality, skew and timing requirements. Automated layout extraction, 3D EM modeling and advanced simulation techniques support power-aware analysis and DDR5 applications.

DDRx Design simulation showing a DDR4 PCB simulation.

Analyzing DDR interfaces

DDR interfaces contain multiple groups of signals, each with unique signal quality requirements. They also have relative timing relationships between signal groups that need to be satisfied. All of the signals in all of the groups need to be analyzed to ensure that the design will work as intended. In the image shown here, there are over 64 signals, including clock, command/address, data, data strobe and status. A signal quality or timing problem with any single signal has the potential to render the entire interface inoperable.

Fortunately, DDR interfaces are associated with JEDEC specifications that document interface requirements - but only for the DRAM side of the interface. JEDEC does not specify controller I/O signal or timing requirements, so different controllers will have unique behaviors that have to be taken into account during analysis. For example, controllers might perform deskewing on an interface, byte, nibble or individual bit basis - or not at all.

Ensuring that an interface will work requires ensuring that signal quality and timing requirements are met for all signals and inter-group relationships, including controller-specific behaviors. This requires simulating all signals and post-processing waveform data to extract eye measurements and interconnect flight times for use during timing calculations. Performing this analysis for a complete DDR interface is difficult, since there are dozens of signals involved. Ideally, this analysis should be fully automated, because of the complexity and number of analysis steps involved.

DDR design and verification analyzing DDR4 and DDR5 interfaces calculating JEDEC specs shown as a screen shot from HyperLynx.

Automated full-interface post-layout verification

HyperLynx DDR4 and DDR5 post layout verification image of a software screenshot showing a full interface image of a protocolor-specific analysis based on the selected DRAM technology.

HyperLynx fully automates full-interface DDR post-layout verification by combining automated layout topology extraction with advanced DDR protocol-aware simulation, comprehensive waveform post-processing and report generation.

HyperLynx DDR verification offers multiple levels of layout modeling accuracy, allowing you to turn different physical phenomena on/off to ascertain their individual effects on overall system performance. Automated analysis flows are fully integrated with HyperLynx Advanced Solvers, providing accurate modeling of non-ideal return paths, return current sharing and the impacts of Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN). Best of all, layout modeling is fully automated - just specify the signals of interest, criteria for considering signals as aggressors - and HyperLynx does the rest.

HyperLynx DDR post-layout verification performs protocol-specific analysis based on the selected DRAM technology and controller characteristics, producing a detailed HTML report that tells you what passed, what failed and by how much.

Pre-layout design analysis

HyperLynx DDR pre-layout PCB design analysis showing proposed layout and analysis for a subset of trace signals.

Once a suitable routing strategy has been defined, constraints can be captured graphically and automatically driven into layout.

As DDR speeds increase, voltage and timing margins continue to drop, making it imperative to thoroughly investigate the design space with simulation before layout begins. Most DDR analysis methodologies focus almost exclusively on pre-layout analysis, where a handful of signals are analyzed to represent how the full interface will perform.

During pre-layout analysis, it's critically important to model the design as it will actually be built instead of an idealistic representation that cannot be practically laid out or manufactured. HyperLynx is tightly integrated with Z-Zero's Z-Planner (TM) software to ensure that the design stackup and trace characteristics represent a physical reality that can be realized with a specific fab vendor.

Pre-layout analysis is an interactive process, where designers create a proposed layout topology, run analysis, review results and iterate. It's important that the analysis process report the design's voltage and timing margins as they will actually be measured in the system context. HyperLynx pre-layout analysis is driven from the LineSim schematic editor, which lets designers explore the effects of routing order, termination, routing layers, via geometries and trace length/geometry/spacing on their design's performance.

Unified pre-layout & post-layout analysis

Pre-layout analysis defines a set of layout guidelines that should allow a system to work properly, if the pre-layout exploration was comprehensive and the layout rules were completely followed. Post-layout verification analyzes the behavior of the design as it was actually laid out, catching cases where the guidelines weren't followed correctly or simply weren't comprehensive enough.

Both forms of analysis are important. Pre-layout exploration helps optimize layout efforts and avoid excessive rework. Post-layout verification helps ensure the design is ready for prototype verification and doesn't contain problems that will make it fail in the lab, where debugging, updating and refabricating are time-consuming and expensive.

Pre-layout exploration establishes expectations for how the design will work, and what the operating margins will be. Post-layout verification needs to perform the same analytical process and report results the same way as pre-layout exploration, so the two sets of results can be readily compared. Ideally, the analysis process should be fully automated, due to the complexity and number of steps in the process. That's exactly what HyperLynx DDR analysis does - use the same automated analysis flow that reports the same results in the same format - so that any issues that arose during layout can be quickly isolated and resolved.

HyperLynx Pre-layout analysis software image showing optimization and verification of signals.

Comprehensive simulation results reporting

Hyperlynx PCB simulation screen shot of the reporting interface as an eyediagram and an html report for overall Design and Verification.

HyperLynx DDR analysis produces a comprehensive report that lists the signals analyzed and shows what passed, what failed, and by how much.

Results are presented in a hyperlinked, HTML format organized by tabs, which include data read, data write, address/command, differential signals, DQ/DQS skew and eye diagram plots. A separate summary tab rolls up the overall report into a master results table. Each tab of the report shows required and measured values for JEDEC parameters and controller-specific parameters, along with hyperlinks that allow users to view measurement details in an interactive waveform viewer. The results are filterable and sortable, allowing designers to quickly determine minimum/maximum values and isolate problem areas.

A separate, interactive eye diagram viewer presents major results from the report in tabular form, allowing designs to plot an eye diagram by selecting a signal row in the table. The table is filterable and sortable, similar to the HTML report. The appropriate, protocol-specific eye mask can be displayed to show the signal's voltage and timing margins.

Advanced, protocol-aware DDR analysis

Full-interface DDR analysis is a complex, protocol and device-specific process. The exact analytical process, waveform measurements and timing calculation differ based on the DRAM technology and controller being used. HyperLynx understands the protocol requirements for DDR-2,3,4,5 and LPDDR-2,3,4,5 technologies, including buffered (registered) DDR5 memories. HyperLynx uses a combination of timing models and analysis wizard setup options to establish the controller's capabilities and how to configure the analysis. Controller capabilities specified through the analysis wizard include 1T/2T address timing, read and write leveling, dynamic termination setup, DQ/DQS deskewing capabilities, and more.

As data rates increase, interactions between signals and the Power Delivery Network (PDN) become more important and can consume a significant portion of the design's available operating margin. Modeling these effects requires an accurate simulation model for the combined signal/power delivery network. HyperLynx DDR analysis is seamlessly integrated with the HyperLynx Advanced Solvers hybrid solver to generate these simulation models. With Power-Aware analysis, the effects of non-ideal signal return paths, return path current sharing and simultaneous switching noise can be selectively included or excluded from the analysis, allowing the magnitude of their impact on operating margins to be quantified.

DDR5 memory represents an entirely new chapter in DDR modeling and simulation, due to the inclusion of equalization circuitry in device receivers. This requires a new generation of DDR5 (IBIS-AMI) simulation models and simulation techniques. Additionally, DDR5 mandates calculating eye margins at 1e-16 probabilities, which is not possible with conventional DDR simulation techniques. HyperLynx fully supports DDR5 IBIS-AMI simulation models with the latest features and supports multiple simulation methods to provide different tradeoffs between simulation speed and accuracy. HyperLynx also allows IBIS-AMI models to be used with single-ended analog drivers that have varying rise/fall impedances and edge rates -something not natively part of the IBIS-AMI spec itself.

HyperLynx DDR4 and DDR5 screen shot showing protocol analysis and timing calculations for a DRAM chipset.

HyperLynx's DDR5 Advanced Analysis supports simultaneous modeling of rise/fall asymmetry and calculation of results down to 1e-16, meeting the most stringent requirements of the DDR5 spec.

DDRx Design & Verification
