large chip on board with copper and green background

Tessent Advanced DFT

Tessent MemoryBIST

Tessent MemoryBIST provides a complete solution for at-speed test, diagnosis, repair, debug, and characterization of embedded memories. Leveraging a flexible hierarchical architecture, built-in self-test and self-repair can be integrated in individual cores as well as at the top level.

Why Tessent MemoryBIST?

Tessent MemoryBIST, an industry-leading memory built-in self-test, includes a uniquely comprehensive automation flow that provides design rule checking, test planning, integration, and verification all at the RTL or gate level.

Advanced BIST access port

The advanced BAP provides a configurable interface to optimize in-system testing. It also supports a low-latency protocol to configure the memory BIST controller, execute Go/NoGo tests, and monitor the pass/fail status.

Algorithm programmability

Memory test algorithms can be hardcoded into the Tessent MemoryBIST controller, then applied to each memory through run-time control. This lets you select shorter test algorithms as the manufacturing process matures.

Power-aware on-chip self-repair

The Tessent MemoryBIST repair option eliminates the complexities and costs associated with external repair flows. It tests and permanently repairs all defective memories in a chip using virtually no external resources.

Maximize test quality with Tessent MemoryBIST

Watch Etienne Racine, Tessent Product Manager, talk about how Tessent MemoryBIST can help maximize test quality, minimize test time, improve yield and repair memories with its flexible architecture.

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