Catapult AI solutions

With Machine Learning ML frameworks driving advances in the data center and at the edge, algorithm and hardware design teams need more assistance than ever. Catapult AI enhances high-level synthesis for accelerated design exploration, quantization analysis and performance, power and area prediction.

Catapult AI NN

Catapult AI NN provides automation of Python-to-RTL for neural network (NN) hardware designs. The integration of hls4ml for generating synthesizable C++ Neural Network models from Python, along with enhanced Catapult features, produces high-performance ML inference hardware accelerators at the edge. Now Convolutional Neural Network designers and implementers can rapidly explore latency, throughput, and frequency performance, power and area with practically any CNN architecture and quantization by automatically generating the RTL implementation from common AI/ML frameworks.

Flow showing Python to hls4ml then feeding into C++ and HLS Constraint Script feeding into Catapult including the Catapult ASIC and FPGA Lib which then provides ASIC and FPGA.

News & Resources

Catapult on-demand training

The Catapult High-Level Synthesis (HLS) on-demand training library contains a set of learning paths with modules to introduce engineers to HLS and high-level verification.

High-Level Synthesis and Verification Group

A group to discuss the finer points of design and verification using Siemens EDA HLS and HLV tools. Join the discussion on new topics, features, content and technical experts.


A free and open set of libraries implemented in standard C++ for bit-accurate hardware and software design. It's an open community for exchange of knowledge and IP for HLS that can be used to accelerate both research and design.

HLS Design and Verification Blog

Blog covering next generation high-level synthesis (HLS) design and verification methodologies and techniques.


Catapult Support

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EDA consulting

Helping you achieve maximum business impact by addressing complex technology and enterprise challenges with a unique blend of development and design experience and methodology expertise.