PCB New Product Introduction (NPI)

PCB Design for Manufacturing Software

Do you expect two to three respins during a PCB design? Respins should be the exception rather than the rule! Valor NPI identifies manufacturing issues using DFM concurrent with your design. Checks can even be run by designers, letting them fix problem areas immediately.

Valor NPI DFM interface with 3-D view
Manufacturing Driven Design

Manufacturing Awareness within the Design Cycle

Manufacturing Driven Design is the process of providing full manufacturing awareness within the design process in a manner that allows designers to optimize a design for manufacturing with the first release.

MDD begins at the incarnation of the design idea. In the context of manufacturing, the initial step involves defining the material requirements for the stackup based on the desired electrical requirements. Once the material stackup has been established, the design layout can then be carried out. This simultaneously considers a manufacturer's process capabilities as well as the traditional design rule check (DRC). A traditional DRC is mainly focused on copper or electrical spacing requirements and does not consider manufacturing needs.

Valor NPI DFM Online Trial

Explore Valor NPI with our online trial

Explore Valor NPI with our complimentary online trial and find out how easy it is to implement the world's most advanced DFM software. No download or installation necessary, this simple guided tour provides immediate hands-on experience.

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Design for Manufacturing Validation

Valor NPI’s MRA enables you to identify potential DFM manufacturing issues before going into production. It not only identifies where your PCB design exceeds your supplier’s manufacturing capabilities, it also shows where low yield or field failures may occur. With this visibility, designers can optimize their designs for manufacturing during the initial stage, accelerating their ramp-to-volume cycle.

Manufacturing Risk Assessment graph for Design for Manufacturing of PCB DFM
Quality through automation

Connect Group: Powered by Valor NPI

Company:Connect Group

Location:Kampenhout, Belgium

Product:Electronic Manufacturing and Technology Services


Siemens Software:Valor NPI

Tomorrow's Vision:Time is money. That is why the Connect Group brings DFM in at a very early stage in the product lifecycle. Anticipating problems in production and incorporating testing into design help create a win-win system for the Connect Group and their customers.

DFM CAM file comparison tool

CAM Compare

The CAM Compare tool provides in-depth analysis of changes between two CAM files. This comparison can occur between identical data formats, or differing data formats. CAM Compare supports designs stored in ODB++, IPC2581, Gerber 274X, IPC-D-356A, Excellon drill data or other EDA flow data.

CAM Compare has three primary uses:

1. Validation of ODB++ data

When migrating from sending legacy CAM data to intelligent data for manufacturing, customers can use CAM Compare to compare the ODB++ output to their legacy output to assure there are no differences.

2. Design revision comparison

When comparing one design revision to another, a digital review can be made with CAM Compare identifying what has changed between the two versions.

3. Identify fabrication CAM edits

When reviewing the manufacturing data used by the fabricator, CAM Compare enables a design organization to determine what changes have been made while compensating for etch factors and drill sizing

Design for Manufacturing Assessment

Component Risk Assessment

The component risk assessment feature is one of the most powerful ways to leverage intelligent Design for Manufacturing within your design cycle using Valor NPI to drive a true Manufacturing Driven Design workflow.

Valor NPIs component risk assessment feature represents a blend between the embedded manufacturing knowledge of Valor NPI, as well as in-depth physical information for more than 250 billion individual components within the Valor Parts Library. The component risk assessment feature provides a detailed assembly summary for your design, providing immediate Design for Manufacturing feedback.

The feature provides assembly risk ratings for individual components. These can be review individually on a part-by-part basis, or compiled together to be viewed within BOM manager, allowing the frequency and ratio of high risk to low risk components to be viewed on a build-to-build basis.

This detailed look into the assembly process of a board allows a team to make build and BOM decisions early to ensure designs start with high yields and greater reliability in mind from the beginning.

3D component

Components within the VPL are assigned risk assessment scores based on their physical characteristics. The score considers a components’ type, overall size, terminal count, and the required mounting preparations

Valor NPI Resources

Valor NPI Resources