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Release highlights for Z-planner Enterprise 2409

Z-planner Enterprise is a stackup planning tool that includes a PCB stackup calculator focused on electrical impedance and signal integrity that helps you manage and optimize your PCB stackup design. Its library of PCB laminate material reduces material costs without sacrificing performance.

Z-planner Enterprise new capabilities overview

The Z-planner Enterprise 2409 release represents one of the most comprehensive overall updates to the product line since its inception. These include a re-envisioned stackup wizard, new import/export capabilities, a more intuitive user interface, enhanced DFSI checks, multiple stackup compare, design automation and an expanded materials library.

Stackup wizard summary

The stackup wizard has expanded to allow for the creation of both rigid and rigid flex stackups and now incorporates intelligent signal, power and ground sequencing, board thickness calculations, intelligent core placement and automatic stripline and dual stripline placement.

Stackup Wizard Summary

Stackup Wizard summary

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Stackup Wizard summary

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Impedance tab

An Impedance tab has been added which summarizes and manages all the impedances within the stackup. This is integrated with Z-solver, and uses the dielectric material values, copper roughness, frequency, line spacing and width spacing within the board.

Impedance Tab

Impedance tab

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Impedance tab

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Additional Design for Signal Integrity (DFSI) and Design for Power Integrity (DFPI) checks have been added to help regulate cross-talk and maintain Power Integrity, including checks for microstrip height, signal-to-signal separation, stripline configuration, and ground, signal and power layers.



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Compare stackup

The compare stackup tool has been enhanced to support up to 4 stackups at a single time, helping with comparison and validation. To allow you to compare stackups generated by multiple suppliers to the submitted design version. 

4x Stackup Compare

Compare Stackup

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Compare Stackup

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Automation has been included for stackup exporting and layout, fabricator stackup validation, Dfx rule checks, requirement verification, and stackup approval and SI export. The software also allows you to perform DFM and DFSI rule checks on stackups and perform automated insertion loss simulations.

Automated Stackup Verification


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Stackup properties

The stackup properties tab has been expanded to facilitate communication within your design teams, as well as with the fabricator. 

Stackup Properties Tab

Stackup Properties

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Stackup Properties

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Download the release

Our customers should refer to the release highlights on Support Center for detailed information regarding all new features and enhancements.