
PowerPro Metrics-Driven

Metrics-driven Power Regression is an automated Low-power IP Qualification flow that enables users to track and trend various power metrics and generate a scorecard to rank and grade IPs for power.

PowerPro Metrics-Driven Power Flow

Qualify Your IPs for Low Power

Understanding if your IPs are designed for low power is not easy. Therefore power qualification is essential to a low-power methodology. Metrics-driven power allows integration with existing regression setup and automatically runs, qualifies and publishes results in the form of a power scorecard.


Define key performance indicators for low-power

Metrics driven power regression allows the user to define key performance indicators (KPIs) for power that can be used to qualify IPs for low-power. PowerPro generates a variety of metrics for power against which target values can be defined and tracked to see if they are met.


Track and trend low-power KPIs over RTL revisions

Build a power profile for your IP to see how different low-power metrics are trending. Track them to see if they meet the defined criteria. Generate a low-power scorecard in order to rank and grade your IPs for power.

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