
Calibre PERC

The Calibre PERC platform is the industry leader for reliability verification solutions, enabling a vast range of IC circuit reliability checks that are not possible with traditional physical verification tools.

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Innovative context-aware SPICE simulation improves electrostatic discharge analysis for large designs

With the growing complexity, increase in transistor count, and shrinking dimensions of ICs, ESD verification is proving to be a significant challenge at advanced nodes. Traditional ESD verification using parasitic extraction followed by SPICE simulation struggles to accurately model the dynamic behavior of the circuits in large designs, and to provide simulation results in practical runtimes at the large block or full chip level. The Calibre PERC context-aware SPICE simulation brings together the best of both the static and dynamic approaches, combining the physical layout of a component with its electrical implementation, and analyzing that information to evaluate ESD robustness. This context-aware SPICE simulation flow enables designers to achieve accurate ESD analysis for the largest designs at any process node.

Key Features

Comprehensive reliability verification

The Calibre PERC reliability platform automatically combines netlist and layout information to perform targeted electrical checks that consider the context of the design intent for both layout-related and circuit-dependent checks.

Providing a Solid Foundation

Foundry Rule Decks

Understanding the foundry view of reliability on your design is necessary for a comprehensive reliability verification strategy. Foundry qualified and supported rule decks are essential to establishing this reliability baseline, not only to guide improvements, but also to establish best practices with internal and 3rd party IP through full-chip sign-off.

Row of marble columns | Foundry qualified and supported Calibre PERC rule decks are essential to establishing a reliability baseline, not only to guide improvements, but also to establish best practices with internal and 3rd party IP through full-chip sign-off.
Are you protected?

Electrostatic Discharge Solutions

When verifying the robustness of your electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection strategy in your design, it is essential to ensure sufficiently-sized devices and interconnect are where they need to be using SPICE accurate simulation. Understanding the performance of these critical design elements requires a combination of topology, layout and interconnect robustness capabilities in a context-aware environment.

A burst of electrical energy.
Find Your Way. Where to Start?

Context-Aware Verification

Target verification rules with precision by leveraging rule deck defined circuit structures in the schematic or layout. Being able to identify the absence of required circuit elements, such as protection devices or level-shifters, is of equal importance. Find your way through the unique complexities of each design with context-aware verification.

Staircase in the woods leading to light | Calibre PERC helps designers target verification rules with precision by leveraging rule deck defined circuit structures in the schematic or layout.

Calibre PERC Featured Resources

Explore our featured resources or visit the full Calibre PERC resource library to view on-demand webinars, white papers, and fact sheets.

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Across all process nodes and design styles, the Calibre toolsuite delivers accurate, efficient, comprehensive IC verification and optimization, while minimizing resource usage and tapeout schedules.