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Product release highlights for PADS VX.2.12

Check out what's new in PADS Professional. The latest release delivers new product features and enhancements that improve product usability and efficiency, and empowers engineers and designers to design electronic products faster!

PADS Professional VX.2.12- overview

The new VX.2.12 release of PADS Professional has improvements across three key areas: design capture, layout, and Connect for PADS Professional.

What’s new in PADS Professional VX.2.12

PADS Professional Designer Schematic Array Improvements

PADS Professional VX.2.12

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PADS Professional Designer Schematic Array Improvements

(41 secs)


PADS Professional Physical Reuse Enhancements

(1 min, 54 secs)


PADS Professional Move Trace While Preserving Spacing

(54 secs)


PADS Professional Same Net Clearance Overide

(2 mins, 19 secs)


PADS Professional Tuning Pattern Editing

(37 secs)


PADS Professional Variant/MCAD Collaboration Enhancement

(2 mins, 14 secs)


PADS Professional Via Stitching Enhancements

(1 min, 21 secs)


PADS Professional Import Layer Stackup

(57 secs)

Download the release

Note: The following is a condensed summary of the release highlights. Siemens customers should refer to the Release Highlights on Support Center for detailed information regarding all new features and enhancements.