Solido Characterization Suite

Comprehensive suite of fast, accurate library characterization tools powered by machine learning. Significantly reduces standard cell, custom cell and memory characterization time and resources, while delivering production-accurate Liberty models and statistical data.

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Solido Characterization Suite Featured Resources

Key Features

Solido Characterization Suite

The Solido Characterization suite works with any existing characterization solution for standard cells, IOs, memories and custom cells and supports all .lib data types, including timing, power, noise and variation, and supports all .lib data structures such as NLDM, CCS, LVF, and Moments.

Solido Characterization Suite

  • Massive speedup in library characterization and verification
  • Better quality libraries, improved power, performance, and area
  • Supports standard cells, IOs, memories, and custom cells
  • Works with all characterization tools and flows
  • Works on all .lib data types: timing, power, noise, and variation
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Solido Analytics

  • Comprehensive .lib verification in hours instead of weeks
  • Finds issues undetectable by traditional checks
  • Supports hundreds of standard checks and custom checks
  • Compares all library metrics and summarizes information for the user
  • Supports custom plots with user-defined functions and variables
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Solido Generator

  • Uses machine learning to accelerate characterization
  • Produces new PVTs .libs in minutes, 100x+ faster than SPICE
  • Works using .libs as input; does not need SPICE simulation or characterizer calibration
  • 2x+ speedup for characterization across all PVTs
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