Avery Verification IP

Avery Verification IP for Control/Serial Buses

Accelerated confidence in simulation-based verification of RTL designs with control/serial bus interfaces such as I2C, SPI, UART, JTAG

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A diagram of a serial bus waveform with clock and data.

Why Avery Verification IP for Control/Serial Buses?

A comprehensive memory VIP solution portfolio for I3C and I2C s used by system-on-chip (SoC) and IP designers to ensure comprehensive verification and protocol and timing compliance. Avery Verification IP for Control/Serial Buses implements a complete set of models, protocol checkers and compliance testsuite in 100% native SystemVerilog and UVM.


  • I3C/I2C/SMBus master and slave BFMs
  • Compliance testsuite
  • User guide

Avery Verification IP for Control/Serial Buses features include:

  • Support for I3C Basic and Full specifications and I3C Host Controller Interface (HCI)
  • Support for I3C Debug and JESD 403-1 SidebandBus
  • Support for I2C and SMBus 3.0
  • Dual mode VIP models supporting master and slave
  • Comprehensive directed and constrained random compliance testsuite achieves high protocol coverage for master and slave
  • Comprehensive protocol checking
  • Configurable reference testbench to plug in any DUT with I3C and I2C devices
  • Native SystemVerilog/UVM implementation
  • Open and unencrypted timing class models all timing parameters (randomize, modifiable)
  • Support for I3C/I2C/SMBus command class models, all types
  • Callback support for error detection and injection
  • SV constraint set on all transaction classes generates rich set of normal and error packets
  • Master randomly configures slaves
  • Comprehensive protocol and timing checks track compliance checklist coverage and isolate DUT bugs faster
  • Tracker log monitors all levels and improves debug

Protocol Family 

Standard Organization 

Sub Protocol 



System Management Interface Forum 

SMBUS Ver 3.1 






I3C 1.1 


I3C HCI 1.1 


I3C Basic 1.1 


I3C Debug 1.0 


SPP 2.0 


STP 2.2 

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