Avery Verification IP

Avery Verification IP for Automotive

Accelerated confidence in simulation-based verification of RTL designs with automotive interfaces such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay, automotive ethernet variations

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An image depicting an electric vehicle outline, motors, and interconnections.

Why Avery Verification IP for Automotive?

Avery VIP for Automotive is a complete solution to verify Automotive (CAN, LIN, FlexRay) based IP and SoC products that use those protocols.

Avery Verification IP for CAN XL, FD and CAN 2.0

Acomprehensive VIP solution portfolio for CAN XL, CAN FD, and CAN 2.0 used by SoC and IP designers to ensure comprehensive verification and protocol and timing compliance. CAN-Xactor implements a complete set of models, protocol checkers, and compliance testsuites in 100% native SystemVerilog and UVM.


  • CAN node BFM
  • Compliance testsuite
  • User guide

Avery Verification IP for CAN XL, FD and CAN 2.0 features include:

  • CAN node model supports integration steps, transmitter and receiver modes including multiple bit rates, inter-frame delay, and bit phase delay adjustment, APIe to preload and access sparse memory regions
  • Supports random configuration of node type, bit timing rate
  • Frame class models all frame formats and types
  • Open and unencrypted timing class models all timing parameters (randomize, modifiable)
  • Error detection (callback, bit stuffing) and injection
  • Comprehensive protocol and timing checks
  • Avery and Bosch compliance testsuites
  • Tracker log monitors all levels and improves debug

Protocol Family 

Standard Organization 

Sub Protocol 




601-1 v2 


601-2 v1 


601-3 v1 


601-4 v2 








610-1 v0.0.3 


610-2 v0.0.1 


610-3 v0.0.10 

Avery Verification IP for LIN

LIN-Xactor is a comprehensive VIP solution for the LIN standard used by SoC and IP designers to ensure comprehensive verification and protocol and timing compliance. LIN-Xactor implements a complete set of models, protocol checkers, and compliance testsuites in 100% native SystemVerilog and UVM.


  • Compliance testsuite
  • User guide

Avery Verification IP for LIN features include:

  • Master and slave BFMs
  • Node configuration and identification services
  • Automatic frame segmentation and re-assembly of network layer messages (FF, CF)
  • Automatic frame scheduling to time slot/time base including collision resolution
  • Frame transmission ordering and endianness
  • Status management that provides error handling and error signalling
  • Wake and Go-to-sleep modes
  • Diagnostics
  • Response pending
  • Diagnostic and Interleaved Diagnostic mode
  • Verified with multiple IP vendors

Protocol Family 

Standard Organization 

Sub Protocol 



LIN Consortium 




Avery Verification IP for FlexRay

A comprehensive VIP solution for multiple versions of the FlexRay standard used by SoC and IP designers to ensure comprehensive verification and protocol and timing compliance. FlexRay-Xactor implements a complete set of models, protocol checkers, and compliance testsuites in 100% native SystemVerilog and UVM.


  • Flexray BFM
  • Compliance testsuite
  • User guide

Avery Verification IP for FlexRay features include:

  • Support for Node and Star BFMs
  • Node-level and global parameter class support
  • Single and dual channel active star and passive bus topologies
  • Synchronization methods (TT-D, TT-E, TT-L)
  • Static slot (TDMA) and dynamic minislot (FTDMA) segment media access schemes and media arbitration
  • Local/Remote wakeup and startup
  • Macrotick cluster-wide clock synchronization
  • Automatic error handling
  • Random configuration
  • Node type, bit timing rate, time base, jitter
  • Error injection/Callbacks
  • Protocol Checking
  • Protocol Analyzer log
  • Compliance testsuite
  • Verified with multiple IP vendors

Protocol Family 

Standard Organization 

Sub Protocol 



FlexRay Consortium 

V2.1A, V3.0.1 

We are excited to work with Avery to help automotive engineers develop safe systems quicker through the industry's first integrated CAN FD soft IP core and VIP package.
Nikos Zervas, chief executive officer, CAST

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