Avery Verification IP

Avery Verification IP for AMBA

Accelerated confidence in simulation-based verification of RTL designs with ARM AMBA bus interfaces such as AXI, AHB, APB, CHI, ACE

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Why Avery Verification IP for AMBA?

Enable system-on-chip (SoC) and IP developers to perform comprehensive functional verification of their IP and SOCs. Avery Verification IP for AMBA incorporates the full range of AMBA bus protocols (AXI4 – Full, Lite, Stream, AXI3, AHB, APB, CHI) master, slave and interconnects functionalities and ensure compliance to the AMBA standards.


  • Master, slave, interconnect BFMs
  • Example test suite
  • User guide

Support master, slave, and Interconnect BFMs including passive interconnect monitor. The transaction class supports SV constraint sets for interleaving, out of order, early write data phase, inter-transaction and inter-beat delays, size/length, addressing. Other features include:

  • ACE interconnect monitor verifies cache state transitions ACE supports N-way and fully associative cache
  • Inject errors at all layers using callbacks and control slave completion response
  • SV constraint set for transaction classes generates rich set of normal and error requests and responses
  • Multi-level protocol trackers (Cache state, Channel) makes debugging faster
  • Functional coverage tracks commands, addresses, and attributes
  • Interfaces to ARM protocol checkers to isolate DUT bugs faster
  • Comprehensive directed and constrained random examples of all transfer types

Protocol Family 

Standard Organization 

Sub Protocol 
















CHI E.a 

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Verification Horizons

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