
Questa RDC verification

Questa RDC leverages the CDC path and waiver information taken from Questa CDC analysis, then executes a comprehensive, formal-based analysis that focuses on the actual functional reset-domain crossing paths for high throughput and the most deterministic path to actionable results.

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Questa RDC verification
Key features

Questa RDC verification

Reset-domain crossings (RDCs) can expose a design to data loss or control signal corruption, just like clock-domain crossings. Questa RDC formally and exhaustively verifies reset-domain crossings, providing a high-value, low-effort path to extending your domain crossing verification to RDCs.

Static-based verification

Upcoming and on-demand events

View all available CDC, Lint and RDC video recordings at the Verification Academy.

Questa RDC Verification

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Verification Academy

Verification Academy provides the skills necessary to mature an organization's functional verification process capabilities, providing a methodological bridge between high-level value propositions and the low-level details.

Verification Horizons blog

Insight and updates on concepts, values, standards, methodologies, and examples to assist with the understanding of what advanced functional verification technologies can do and how to most effectively apply them.

Verification Horizons

The Verification Horizons publication provides concepts, values, methodologies and examples to assist with the understanding of what advanced functional verification technologies can do and how to most effectively apply them.