Integrated Fault Injection

Veloce Fault App

Development of an automotive IC is very broad, it’s complex and contains many inefficiencies. Veloce Fault helps drive successful safety IC campaigns through Safety Analysis, Safe Logic Insertion and Safety Verification.

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Why the Veloce Fault App?

Veloce Fault App in conjunction with the Siemens EDA fault injection platform provides a seamlessly integrated and fully end to end-to-end ISO26262 certified fault injection solution.

The Veloce Fault App provides a high throughput emulation execution engine as part of Siemens EDA Fault Injection Platform. Using the Austemper SafetyScope structural analysis engine to generate an efficient fault list, Veloce Fault App executes stimulus and applies faults and finally categorizes the result. Final FMEDA metrics are calculated using Austemper SafetyScope. The entire tool chain centers around a shared FuSa database that allows for seamless data exchange.

  • Accelerate time to ISO26262 certification using common FuSa database
  • Efficiently handle full SoC and full software stack
  • Handle gate-level netlist
  • Several orders of magnitude acceleration

Key Attributes

Functional safety and ISO 26262 certification

Siemens EDA is the first to create and deploy a fully automated end-to- end FuSa solution, including Austemper SafetyScope structural analysis front end, Siemens FuSa database for data sharing, Veloce Fault App for emulation and finally Austemper Kaleidoscope for concurrent fault simulation.

A person fingering through a stack of documents.

A fully automated flow

Veloce Fault App reads the database using a shared API during compile time and instrument all the fault nets. Veloce then automatically injects the faults keeping track of the progress and result of each pass. Veloce classifies all the faults, updates the database, and SafetyScope creates the final safety metrics.

Complicated flowcharts interconnected with each other.

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