
Calibre Defect Management

Calibre Defect Management solutions offer full-flow design-guided wafer and mask defect analysis and reduction to improve throughput and accelerate yield ramp. Our tools interact with inspection tools and perform accurate defect characterization, root cause analysis, and fix verification.

Get in touch with our technical team 1-800-547-3000

Leverage multiple design-to-manufacturing platforms

Calibre Defect Management solutions perform pattern-matching based defect grouping and leverage DRC/LVS for defect-location based design attributes and net criticality analysis. The seamless integration with design tools facilitates direct connection between physical design and defect inspection.

Efficient and user-friendly

Cross probe to design analysis

Calibre Defect Management GUI integrates various Calibre design analysis functionalities and provides different defect-based design guided analysis features so users can easily identify and fix the root cause of the defects.

Smart and systematic

Down selection from BFI inspection to SEM analysis

Calibre Defect Management provides down sampling applications by integrating with Calibre SONR techniques, a machine-learning based ranking and prediction methodology, to improve defect hit rate and highlight systematic patterns with limited sampling budget for SEM review.

Accurate and precise

SEM image-based defect analysis

Calibre Defect Management SEM image processing capability enables accurate anchoring between the defect location on the mask/wafer and the defect location on the layout. Techniques such as SEM-to-layout alignment, contour extraction, and SEM-based auto defect classification are used to ensure the accurate defect analysis.

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Across all process nodes and design styles, the Calibre tool suite delivers accurate, efficient, comprehensive IC verification and optimization, while minimizing resource usage and tapeout schedules.