
Calibre nmCLSRAF

Calibre nmCLSRAF performs ILT-guided, template-based SRAF synthesis on curvilinear designs to ensure precise lithography control, consistency in sub-resolution assist feature (SRAF) placement, compliance with mask manufacturing (MRC) and rapid runtime for integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing.

Technical paper

Advanced ILT solutions to manufacture photonics designs

In the last decade, photonics technology has been an emerging technology for optical telecommunications and optical interconnects in microelectronics. As a result, a large diversity of photonics design methodologies has merged with very challenging scales and shapes. Manufacturing such curvy and critical photonics shapes requires advanced resolution enhancement techniques (RET), including inverse lithography techniques (ILT) with 193 nm immersion lithography. In this paper, we investigate the manufacturing challenges of several photonics devices using advanced ILT solutions and the impact of SRAF insertion on delivering good litho quality, including edge placement error (EPE), PVband, and line edge roughness (LER). We will demonstrate how our Calibre ILT solutions enable the manufacturing of the most challenging photonics designs.

A integrated circuit and printed circuit board
Key Features

Curvilinear templates for full-chip SRAF insertion

Template-based approach offers lithography quality equivalent to ILT SRAFs in terms of process-window variation (PV band), common depth of focus (DOF) and image log slope (ILS), while significantly improving runtime efficiency— faster than native ILT SRAF synthesis.

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