The insatiable demand for integrated circuits (ICs) continues to drive smaller critical dimensions. Photolithography processes, including extreme ultraviolet (EUV), present ever more complexity and data volume. Our computational lithography solutions enable cost-effective technology enablement.
Both the lithographic challenges and the computational complexity associated with advanced process nodes create a need for advanced capabilities in computational lithography software and hardware. The Calibre solution offers best-in-class accuracy, speed, and cost of ownership.
Dense optical proximity and process correction to enable deep submicron manufacturing.
Inserts sub-resolution assist features (SRAFs) into a design.
Powerful full-chip simulation and lithographic analysis.
GUI used to launch a wide variety of applications and to view results.
Highly-scalable calibration engine for optical, resist and etch models.
Fast, inverse pixel-based optical proximity correction.
Easy to use GUI for optimization of illumination source.